34rd BCS Seat Plan Preliminary (Preli) www.bpsc.gov.bd

BPSC has given their official website www.bpsc.gov.bd 34rd BCS preliminary (Preli) or MCQ recruitment exam seat plan 2013. So, 34th BCS Seat Plan you can download or view here."

24 May 2013 will be held on BCS 32 preli exam. Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC) announced their details information about 34 BCS exam 2013.

Bangladesh Public Service Commission announced today that, you know bpsc all ready announced the exam date of 34 bcs preliminary the exam will be held on 24 may2013.Total 442 eligible candidates, including 200 in administrative cadre and 80 in police, will be recruited from the general category through the BCS exam 2013.click here for more information  official website  www.bpscgov.bd

" Stay with us until Seat Plan Published by Authority" or You can Check it below official website:

For the three categories of applicants for the 2052 seats in total there are 34 BCS More. For example, the total seats for 442.technical or professional cadres Total seats total seats 487.general and technical or professional [both] cadres Total of 54 seats for the 1069.bcs [general education] government teachers colleges You will be held bpsc the date announced for the 34 BCS Preliminary Exam

34th BCS Preliminary 11 am- 10 am from the 24 th May, 2013, will be held on Friday. Between 221,575 applicants this year will be the 34th BCS Preliminary examination. Test A seven-sectional area at the time. The Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Rangpur, the Comilla, Khulna and Barisal center.

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