11th NTRCA Teacher Registration Admit Card and Result 2014. NTRCA 11th Teacher Registration Admit Card Has Been Issued. The Non- Government Teachers' Registration & Certification Authority (NTRCA). 11th NTRCA teachers registration 2014 circular and notice has been announced last 26th August 2014. Are you willing participant the exam? So don’t be late. If you wants to be a candidates, so apply by NTRCA website. Application validity dates on 1st September to 30 September 2014.

Now as not only Bangladesh but also all over the world any exam application systems is online. Such as NTRCA exam applications systems is online. The application done by Teletalk Mobile operator. And applications fees will be paid by Teletalk Mobile Operator not acceptable others mobile operator.
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At a glance of 11th NTRCA Teachers Registration:
1. Online application beginning date on: 1st September 2014
2. Online application ending date on: 30 September 2014
3. School level exam date on: 12th December 2014 (8.30 AM to 12.30 PM)
4. College level exam date on: 13th December 2014 (09.00 AM to 01.00 Pm)
Non-Government Teachers Registration and Certification Authority’s short name is NTRCA. 11th NTRCA exam’s application fees is 350/=(Taka). The fees to be paid when you completed your online application process is completed. Then you going to next step for complete yours others activities.
11th NTRCA Circular download
Applicants must be send his/her applications hard copy or print copy to NTRCA headquarters with added are qualification of all educational certificates, Mark sheet or Tabulation sheet, Honours level all papers, Citizenship certificate, any training certificates and National Id etc are must be attested by first class gazetted officer. And the papers at last send to NTRCA headquarters. So the papers must be reached NTRCA head office into 15th October 2014. NTRCA address:
NTRCA address:
Dhaka G.P.O Box No-103
Dhaka 1000.
11th NTRCA teachers registration application systems is online and the application process completed by Teletalk SIM by SMS. when complete all application process then to be paid application fees, then will be started on SMS process. SMS system is-
Type- NTRCAuser ID and send to 16222. and 2nd SMS is-
Type- NTRCAYesPin Code Number and send to 16222.
11th NTRCA teachers registration exam marks distribution systems as School level total marks is 200. 100 for MCQ & 100 for written and College level total marks is 100 MCQ & 100 for written. Both school and college level total time is 4 hours, 1 hours for MCQ and 3 hours for written exam.
Apply online
In our Country 20 city or district to be used Non-Government Teachers Registration and Certification Authority’s as exam centers. The city are – Jessore, Dinajpur, Khulna, Rangpur, Kustia, Bogura, Rajshahi, Tangail, Sylhet, Pabna, Jamalpur, Mymensingh, Dhaka, Faridpur, Comilla, Chittagong, Noakhali, Barisal, Pautuakhali and Rangamati etc.
At a glance of 11th NTRCA Teachers Registration:
1. Online application beginning date on: 1st September 2014
2. Online application ending date on: 30 September 2014
3. School level exam date on: 12th December 2014 (8.30 AM to 12.30 PM)
4. College level exam date on: 13th December 2014 (09.00 AM to 01.00 Pm)
Non-Government Teachers Registration and Certification Authority’s short name is NTRCA. 11th NTRCA exam’s application fees is 350/=(Taka). The fees to be paid when you completed your online application process is completed. Then you going to next step for complete yours others activities.
11th NTRCA Circular download
Applicants must be send his/her applications hard copy or print copy to NTRCA headquarters with added are qualification of all educational certificates, Mark sheet or Tabulation sheet, Honours level all papers, Citizenship certificate, any training certificates and National Id etc are must be attested by first class gazetted officer. And the papers at last send to NTRCA headquarters. So the papers must be reached NTRCA head office into 15th October 2014. NTRCA address:
NTRCA address:
Dhaka G.P.O Box No-103
Dhaka 1000.
11th NTRCA teachers registration application systems is online and the application process completed by Teletalk SIM by SMS. when complete all application process then to be paid application fees, then will be started on SMS process. SMS system is-
11th NTRCA teachers registration exam marks distribution systems as School level total marks is 200. 100 for MCQ & 100 for written and College level total marks is 100 MCQ & 100 for written. Both school and college level total time is 4 hours, 1 hours for MCQ and 3 hours for written exam.
Apply online
In our Country 20 city or district to be used Non-Government Teachers Registration and Certification Authority’s as exam centers. The city are – Jessore, Dinajpur, Khulna, Rangpur, Kustia, Bogura, Rajshahi, Tangail, Sylhet, Pabna, Jamalpur, Mymensingh, Dhaka, Faridpur, Comilla, Chittagong, Noakhali, Barisal, Pautuakhali and Rangamati etc.